How I Bought An NYC Skyline View Home with 60k Salary

Stella Guan
8 min readDec 22, 2020
A view of the living room in my New Jersey condo

When I was in my mid-twenties, my living situation became frustrating. I had been living in an apartment in Queens, New York with a roommate and renting out our living room to lower our expenses.

After several horrific roommate incidents, including one that involved our living room subtenant almost burning down the apartment, I began to question my co-living situation.

I felt that it was time to move on. As to where, I had no idea.

One day, as I was talking to my mother on the phone. She asked me if I had thought about buying my first home.

Having moved to New York right after college, I was accustomed to the high rent and subpar living condition. The idea of buying my own home with a modest salary of 60k a year working as a graphic designer has never crossed my mind, not to mention the fact that I was single.

“I can’t afford that. Do you know how little I make?” I told my mother without thinking twice.

“But have you even looked into it?” said my mother.

“Oh, that I haven’t.” I admitted.

It was then when I realized that I needed to do my own research before coming to a conclusion that I can’t afford a home in New York, arguably one of the most expensive real estate markets in…



Stella Guan

Digital nomad designer and entrepreneur between the US, Europe & Asia | CEO of Path Unbound, UI/UX design school | |