I could’ve written this piece myself! It is so true that so many people think that other people who don’t drink are boring and undatable. I had to break up with a dear friend of mine who wouldn’t stop pressuring me to drink. They don’t seem to get that the world is not a frat house. People make their own beverage and life choices. None of that has to do with them being boring or reserved. Luckily, I have met quite a few guys who are mature and didn’t take my non-drinking as anything but a fun fact. They didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all and no question was asked after I disclosed I don’t drink. Do these men even know that some people have allergic reactions to alcohol? In my case, in runs in the family. I would proudly keep not drinking and still enjoy socializing with people. Those who deserve your time are mature men who understand that alcohol has nothing to do with your relationship.