I realized why I enjoy reading your writing so much — we have the same taste in men and blessed (or cursed) with similar genes (even though my ancestors were nowhere near the British Isles. Ha!). Everyone has their own cup of tea and shouldn’t be judged for that, but online dating seems to have encouraged people to make no exceptions. I found that when meeting people in real life, some of our preferences go out the door if that person impressed us with their personality or kindness. I certainly felt guilty about not being attracted to bald men but hey, I would not turn one away if he is funny, charming and caring. However, will I swipe him away if I first saw him on a dating app? Probably. But offline, things are different. As for some men writing off small-chested women like ourselves, well, too bad for them because I know plenty of other men are attracted to us. I used to feel extremely self-conscious about this growing up but not anymore. Life is too short to feel bad about ourselves. We should celebrate our differences in taste, but remain open-minded to make exceptions.