Julia, I’m so glad I stumbled upon your piece because it answered a lot of my questions. Even though I am roughly a third of your age, I haven’t stopped pondering the possibility that maybe there won’t be a “special someone” for me. Maybe there will be many “someone(s)” who I will share memories with in my lifetime. I see women like us as revolutionists — we know exactly what we want and we go right after them. We don’t have time for men who are threatened by us. I have definitely experienced guys pulling back when they felt that they can’t keep up with me — and of course they never told me that’s why. I’m also self-aware enough to know that I’m not perfect even though I have done some amazing things. It often intrigues me that while I’ve never felt threatened by any men (no matter how rich and successful he is), most men don’t seem to feel the same about women. I have been fortunate enough to meet a few men who truly admire strong and independent women but that’s the rarity. You seem to have lived an incredibly fulfilling life and I wish to be like you when I’m older! Thank you for your candidness and inspiration.